Tuesday, July 2, 2013


It's been what? years, or at least a year since an update. My seestor in law shames me with her fabulous blogging.

First pictures:
It's finally Summer. I have a big girl, who wears big girl panties and faces the world with vigor and tenacity.  It's an Allisaurus. Raymous. Monner!

We moved into our Big Kid house this month and it's been a whirlwind. Big kid beds, undies and a new pup to boot. His was a rescue, we call him Gnocchi, Noke, and more recently Scrotey. He's perfect in every way, and best of all, is passionate about Raymous. He's the Snuggle Puggle and he drives us to the brink of insanity every day is pretty amazing.

We've been pretty stressed out with all these new changes. Most of all, if you've been living under a rock, you may not have been aware that I turned 40. That's right, what the heck?  FOUR-TY? What gives? I'll tell you what gives.  Mammograms. I got one. I got three, in fact, and an ultrasound and finally a biopsy and an ACR 4(c) rating or Bi-Rads 4c.

Boom. Just. like. that.

One waits nearly two days after a biopsy to get results. So while your boob is black and blue, swollen Giant, and sore, You wait. and wait. for the call. You wait as life goes on around you, whirls around you really. Blurs of what your life should have been like. Fourty. Eight. Hours. The universe unaware of this blip, this ripple in reality. The universe has no shits to give. The world stops until you get that call.

And the call comes. And I'm ok. I'm ok this year. I'm alive and I'm ok. I am thanked and told to come back in 6 months. I am cancer-free for now. I intend to remain that way. My body has a way of looking and feeling shitty, but it goes on. Maybe it was my body's way of saying "hey, lady, I'm here, treat me better, learn to love me. Big black ugly spots and all. Love me."

Just. Like. That.