Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Very Monner Christmas

I had a pretty good Creemas. I got loadz of new stuffz, bookz, Grinches, Bigsbys and fluffy stuff! Oh and a Monkey dat pop outta a box... he intreegz me! Boy Iz had a REEL good time~! Plus i get to eat lots more better stuffs nwo lik FrechyToast an Yogurtz!

I went to Alcapulco with Gumpa an Grammie Hanson yesterday, we had a special Creemas Feast! I had beenz and avacado! YUm! Dem Green things reely treat me rite! Unkel Dalton made me laff too wif his funny fases!

Mom gabe me deez pics to post.  Check me out! --

--NOTE FROM MOM Llama...

Dear Allie... We just enjoyed the best Christmas holiday ever, we missed sharing your first Christmas with Uncles Matt, Chad and Kyle, Aunties Squirrel, Christa, Norma, Tasha and Rosalinda, and all your cousins:(  And we didn't get to take you out on your new sled, BUT...   You were so good, and gracious and had the best time.  You never wined over the noise, late nights, over-kissing and hugging and above-all you slept and took your naps like a champ.  You tried new things and played in your new barn. The best part was we got to take a little winter Wheelie Ride!

We had four whole days with you and it was priceless.  We also had to put new bumpers on the tables, cause you seem to enjoy some new Monkey talents.

And how could I forget the BEST present ever?  We let you stay up on Christmas Eve until 11:00 p.m., when you decided to start talking.  You said "Da Da" not once but each time we said it.  Obviously you are an 8 month old genius.

p.s. don't post the nakie pics.  k, thanks, love Llama.

Santa was good to me!

My new Boyfren, Andrew

I LOVE dis barn!

and i love deez sox!

ma Grinchy!

I'm drunk on Fun!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Here we go! - a Post from Mama to Monner

The race is on.  I'm getting over anxious excited about our first Christmas with MONNER!   Dad's calm, as he just realized stores are open 24 hours until Christmas.  Great. 

You have FOUR sets of grandparents people!  FOUR.  Some are an hour away, some are in the neighborhood, some or far, too far away.  It's going to be tough.  

You are safely at home rocking out to your new tunes Nanny 'Manda made for you.  Mama Llama and Dad Dur Dur are scrambling for last-minute gifts on our lunch break.

You have been SO silly lately, I have a hard time leaving you in the morning.  You eschew napping, but sleep at night has been great and you are SO cuddly wuddly in the morning!  Your new thing is kisses and hugs.  This is utterly irresistible.  How can I possibly be expected to go to work?   

Last night you and I had the nighttime bottle in Llama and Dur Dur's bed, we were two happy little clams, snoozin away, then Dur had to come in and wake us up.  Danged ol Dur!

To cap it off, you're my joy, my biggest blessing and I count my stars and thank the Lord every day for you.  I love you lil Monner!  You are the best Christmas gift a girl could ever wish to receive.

Dancin with Daddy "Dur Dur"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Itz been real bizzy wif all dis creemas stuff.  I got lights all ober to chewz on an treez and all kinz o boxes to crawlz on.  Yup, dat's rawt, Iz crawlin!

Here ma rundown from my Mama... i lawk to call her "Maaeh."  Most da timez she reel nice to me, but deez dayz she always at my noze sayin Boogy  Boogy wif wet clofs.  I hate DAT!

Chek me out heer.   Mama was Like, "Allz, whirz ur Pantz?" and Iz all "I dunno!"  ha ha ha... silly Momz, pantz are fur loooozers!

Den on da weekenz my Cuzin Marley come by!  She were BIG!  i liked hur lotz.  Cept she kep kickin me off da sled.  She got madz cuz I took her Bear.  Shoot... everybody haz a bear anyhowz.

 And dis me slidin' with ma Auntie Dani!  I lik  her and hur hairz!

 Den Gramma an Boppa kame an put me in diz silly outfitz dat Maaeh say look like a Chrimas Court Jesser or sumfin lik dat.  But I dint kare.. I had me some reel fun!  U cant seez em, but Iz got Jin Tinglerz on ma feetz.

 But den Iz decide "Hey dis ain ma Grampa... who dis?"  I tole my Maeh lady to get me da hekz outta dare.

After all dat my 'Manda take me to meet a new fren.  She wir real nice--cep i had to show hur to respek ma athoritay!  I lawk makin new frenz.  I proteks ma frenz identiteez. 


do not assimilates... mus reed dis book firs

 I think iz take it eezy today wif ma dadz.  I alredy tirred from all dis aktivitys.  Nobody givin me da Respek i desurv.

Anywayz hope u lik ma story for da week, chek ya laterz.


Monday, December 12, 2011

I Got Dis

I no longer have a baby Allie.  I have a Daughter, her name is Allison.  Monner, to some.  In preparation for all of the other things she's quite sure she can do on her own, here is display number one.  Leave me the Flip alone, I got dis.

I don't even know when this all happened.  Moreover, despite all of our efforts in trying to teach her signs for "Eat" and "more" she has designed her own.  I ask "do you want to 'eat'" and make the sign.  Response?  She smacks her lips like somebody who is eating with their mouth open.  Seriously.  What on Earth could have provoked this rebellion?  I think I have an idea... something to do with DNA and her mama, that's where.  This is Allie's first in likely many years of  "yeah, Mom?  I'm not really into your shitty sign language, so I made up my own, and you BEST assimilate."

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thank You Mama! For Makin Me No Pants!

Thursday nights is date night with my girl.  Here's a rundown of the night, which I give you in list-form, why?  'Cause Allison LOVES lists as much as her Mama.

1) Scarf on some Squash, Mango, and mushy peas

2) Laugh hysterically at  Mom Doing her "You kanta toucha da Mango" impressions.  Video to come.

3) Sing "Magic Dance" ala David Bowie through the wizardry of Captain Calamari.

4) Rule the world.

5) Splashy! bathtub wipeout monetarily stomped on our date-nite buzz, but it was quickly cleared up by the appearance of Grammie Karen and her silly pajamas!

6) Snuggle town with Mom!

And now, for some pics, graciously provided by Nanny 'Manda, who has proven her weight in gold!

MonnerCat does not approves

Yeah, what?  it's not weird hair, it's CUSTOM.

Caught with my pants down

You get the looks, you don't get the pants!!

Peek! I like to call dis my "Nativity Scene look"

Naptime?  Bwaa ha ha ha, wait no... bwaaaaaha ha ha ha!

Dare ain't no stinkin nap time!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

In Pursuit of Happyness

Well guess what errybody!  I'm 8 months old! I gotz ma Creemas tree up, and dem lights, dare real kool, but mostly i am likin da things hangin out under ma treez.

I had my last day at skool, and dey tol my Llama dat i'm reel smart and errybody like me.  Here me and my boyfren Lucas on my las day.  I was wizzin roun' da corner in da Super Wheelie.

I really lawk ma new Nanny Amanda, she takes me to make some Krafts an stuff, an readin time and sumtawms to da Tea Source!  She fun!

Llama say I got to maybe getz sum sort of holez in ma eerz to helpz ma hearins, but we waitin on dat, also, i got real sick and my tummy wunt lemme make poopz, so Llama give me Miralax.  She say it work real good, and i think it do, cause I get to take lots of Splashy Baths lately!

Ma dad, he teachin me to crawl, but I still get real real mad cause my hanz and feetz just won RESPEK MA ATHORITY!

Here me an Llama readin my favrite book Daisy & Pip play hide an seek, i turn ma own pages!  I sure luv bookz, hope dat fat red guy bring me lotz o dem!

Ok Errybody!  I gotta go! Hope u lawk ma video!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Goodbye Sofie, hello CARROT!

Well, we've found the perfect teether.  Need I say more?

In other news, the holidays are upon us, I've not yet mailed out our First Ever Christmas cards, baked ONE cookie, or made any concrete holiday plans.  We have our tree up, which was a herculean task, our Allie's living room had to be completely re-made to work in the tree without trespassing on her "office" space.

And ... Dear Amazon Mom... I'm contemplated just having some sort of direct deposit arrangement with you from my paycheck.  Well what?  We need stuff.  Sleds, swimming bath toys, toy upgrades, books.  Never mind my child gets more enjoyment shrieks with glee from two measuring cups and one large carrot.  Heavens to Mergatroid Monner!.

We hope to bake some cookies this weekend, Monner is great with the mixing cups.

Also, we seem to be experiencing some sleep regression.  Likely user error on our part, but has anybody had experience with this?  We had such a good sleeper, now we're back to restless nights and fighting bedtime.  We have a little bedtime Gladiator on our hands.