Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dear Allie

Today you grabbed my face (twice!) when I asked "where's Mama!"  How's a Monster Mom to get to work on time with all that ridiculous cleverness going on?  You're the best 15 week old Monster on the planet.  I love you.  Please try not to be mean to me in your teens.

Also, as for Yesterday (capitalized because you were so awesome yesterday) you did this:

and then you went with us to buy our new Big Stuart Wheelie Ride.  You never fussed.  You LOVE wheelie rides of all colors and types.

We get to try out our first road trip this weekend too, Dad will probably be fussier than you.  You probably will poop in your new little Stu tent. But me?  I'm happy to be taking a new trip in our new Wheelie and spending time with your dad and those Hansons!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Uncle Chad !!!!

My Uncle Chad and Auntie Squirrel came to visit me today!  They're not here very long, but no matter cause they brought me LOTS of new books, some are full of goofy adult lessons that I don't much understand, but mostly I like the ones about fishes!  I lovs FISHES! I like these people, maybe they'll come see me again. 

Tonight I get to meet Great Uncle Jimmy, Ali, Moki and Pia Ronnigen.  I think I might get really fussy tonight on accounts of how busy I been.

Ok, gotta go burp, monster and poop  now.  Bye everybody!