Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dear Allison:

You'll be SEVEN months on Sunday.  I can hardly believe it.  You have brought so many people so much joy!  I've been meaning to write this for you ever since Grandpa Stuart showed me the video of your daddy being given you to hold for the first time in the nursery to hold up and show you off to all of your fans.  You were SO TINY!  I missed out on so much that day.  I was upstairs in ICU, but I knew you were in good hands, Grandmas, Grandpas, Gunkles and Auntie Shannon there to make sure nobody lost they's minds. But I sometimes feel a tinge in my heart that I wasn't the first to hold you and see you so soon after your miraculous birth!  But I think you make up for that every day with your silly antics and beautiful disposition. 

Your first Halloween was soo fun, you had your glow sticks that you thought were the bees Knees!  I practically had to pry them from your hands before bed.

 You sleep in your big-girl crib now, but sometimes Mom and Dad like to bring you back into our bed (otherwise known as "Snuggletown").

The other night you wouldn't go back to sleep so I decided to pick you up out of your crib, you went from crying to laughing.  Laughing!!!  At me, presumably.  Tricky Monster!  You already know how to get your way and get us to RESPEK UR AWTHORITAYZ!

In short, I can't believe how amazing and beautiful you are.  By the time this blog book is put into print for you, you'll likely be doing all SORTS of amazing things!

Here's some memories from Month Six of your life :)
Your favorite book:  There's a Monster at the End of This Book

Mom, Glowing Hair, Monkey and her glow sticks!

The Happy Punkin / pre trick or treating

Monkey and her Punkin

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