Monday, January 23, 2012

A Loaf by Any Other Name

Well another weekend in the books.  Here's the highlights.

Monner randomly said "Mom!" then later, "Momma."  So I'm pretty sure, that was meant for me.  Either way, it lead me to the construction of the World's Third Greatest Toy:  a bottle filled with Blue water to shake and play with . . . don't worry folks, it doesn't leak, and it's food coloring, worst disaster would be it somehow broke and destroyed our carpet.  But this Won't happen... the Husband assures me. 

Monner and I made our second round of bread - Honey Whole-Wheat and Oat flour.  MUCH better.  Chewy and delicious and good for the innards.  This version we call "Monner Loaf" it's jam-packed with fiber, the only draw back is, the out-coming Monner loaf is a little, um... adult-like in it's consistency and not nearly as palatable to change.

Monner Loaf :

 After makin all that Monner Loaf I needed a little help cleaning up... Good thing I have such a great assistant.

p.s. the hunchback in this photo -- Jesus Christ, is that me? photoshop missed my arms -- is the author of this blog.  It's entirely possible that some giant-armed imposter mom took over my kitchen, and figure posture.

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